ankle straps. Another package contained a complete makeup kit with all kinds of eye makeup, blushes, lipsticks and nail polishes. It was really beginning to sink in to Robin that his family intended for him to dress like a girl!

What concerned him was the amount they had spent. Probably more than it would have cost to hire Joanie for a month. Also, there was lingerie for a month not just a couple of busy days before New Years. Maybe they would become Trish's after that?

He opened more presents: a hot roller set, nail polishes, lipsticks, two handbags, two babydoll nighties, a garter belt and stockings, perfume, a small girl's watch and three sets of clip-on earrings.

Finally, after all but one small package remaining under the tree were opened, Robin found himself confused, sitting amidst an array of colorful paper, soft fabrics and generally female things.

"The last gift is from me to all of us," proclaimed Mrs. Wilkes. "I want us to really celebrate this special time of year." She handed the small packet to Trish. "Why don't you open it, Trish," she instructed. Soon Trish had the paper off and found an envelope. She withdrew three tickets from the envelope and read them out loud.

"3 tickets to the Gala New Year's Eve Ball at the Westminister Palace Hotel!!" squealed Trish. "Now I have somewhere to wear my new dress!"

"Yes, I thought it would be nice for all three of us to get really dolled up and out for an evening," Mrs. Wilkes added. "By the way Trish, Robin didn't mention it, but he made two identical dresses when he made that one." She gave Trish a knowing wink. Robin saw it and immediately surmised the unspoken suggestion.

"You're not serious," he asked incredulously. Both women looked at him and smiled. Trish calmly replied, "Oh, how exciting. There is nothing I would enjoy more than to go to a fancy dress affair with my twin sister'. Really, we won't know anyone there. We can really dress


and have a great time. You'll look marvelous, in fact from what I've seen so far...you'll certainly outshine me!"

"You'll both be lovely. I made appointments for all three of us at Linda's for the morning of the 31st." Mrs. Wilkes informed her children.


"Linda's? What's Linda's?" the confused Robin asked then added, "Not that Linda's?" Things were happening very quickly. He wasn't sure if he should pinch himself to check if he was awake or not. One side of him was dizzy with excitement at the implications of what he was hearing, the other side, the side that grew up with brush cuts, baseball and rough boyish sports was panicking!

"Yeah, that Linda's," Trish answered. Linda's is the beauty parlor where Robin's Mom and Trish had had their hair done for years. She added, "You'll really like Linda, she's a true artist when it comes to hair."

"I can't go to a beauty parlor!" exclaimed Robin. "Well, it's for the best. While I can do hair reasonably well for every day wear, we'll probably want to wear our hair in some fashionable up 'do's for this event. That's one of Linda's specialties. Don't worry, I already told her you are coming with us."

Robin moaned, his reputation was being ruined very quickly.

His mother added, "She thinks it's wonderful that you understand the woman's side of things. She feels like she already knows you, since I've been talking about my children and showing her pictures of you for years. I told her about your improved grooming habits, dressmaking and appearance in girl's clothes. I'd feel comfortable telling her any secret. That's what a good hairdresser is like,” Robin's mother explained.

With a little more persuasion mother and daughter got the boy's stunned agreement to go through with it. After all, they wouldn't know anyone at the dance. And if Robin felt that he would be discovered then they would call the whole thing off.

Chapter 6

Robin never got into any boy's clothes on Christmas day. He did try on all his lingerie, shoes and suit outfit. He even had another fitting of his New Year's Eve dress. This time with both Trish and his mother poking and prodding him while making final adjustments.

The Wilkes' had a quiet family Christmas dinner. Robin was dressed similarly to his mother and sister. That means a stylish dress, nicely curled hairdo, full makeup,